National Assoc. of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NURAC)
Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN)
Milestones in Advanced Nuclear – Airtable Universe
This tool was developed with the generous help of the advanced nuclear energy community, including contributions from staff at the DOE National Laboratories,…
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
State Legislation and Regulations Supporting Nuclear Energy
As the energy transition accelerates across all 50 states, policymakers are recognizing the inherent value of carbon-free, reliable nuclear energy. Governors, legislators and regulators play a critical role in shaping policies that can enhance the development, demonstration and commercial deployment of a wide array of nuclear technologies.

Advance Reactor Roadmap, Phase 1: North America
The AR Roadmap set the strategy and path forward that can achieve the large-scale deployment of advanced reactors that is needed in the U.S. and Canada. The AR Roadmap is also consistent with the recently release DOE Liftoff Report. We look forward to working with you all, DOE and other stakeholders to capitalize on the enablers and complete the actions.

Role of Electricity Produced by Advanced Nuclear Technologies in Decarbonizing the U.S. Energy System
This study was produced by Vibrant Clean Energy with funding from the Nuclear Energy Institute.
What Every Legislator Needs to Know About Nuclear Energy
Nuclear plants create well-paying jobs, are reliable and provide the most carbon-free electricity in the U.S. States are acting to value nuclear energy and new plants are on the horizon.
Policy Options for States to Support New Nuclear Energy
Governors, legislators, and regulators will play a critical role in shaping policies that enhance the development and commercial deployment of new, carbon-free nuclear technologies.
State Legislation and Regulations Supporting Nuclear Energy
As the energy transition accelerates across all 50 states, policymakers are recognizing the inherent value of carbon-free, reliable nuclear energy. Governors, legislators and regulators play a critical role in shaping policies that can enhance the development, demonstration and commercial deployment…

States Continue to Recognize the Value of Nuclear Energy
2022 has been an unprecedented year for smart energy policy in state capitols around the country—and we’re only halfway through the year. Legislatures have already seen dozens of bills that reflect the value of reliable, carbon-free nuclear energy. The consensus: lawmakers on both sides of the aisle…
U.S. Nuclear Plants
Across the United States, 92 nuclear reactors power tens of millions of homes and anchor local communities.
NEI also has a number of fact sheets that can answer questions like, What happens to used fuel?
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
A Look Back at 2022 by Nuclear News staff
Nuclear Innovation Alliance

Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology: A Primer | NIA
This primer provides basic information on advanced reactors to help the public and stakeholders understand the promise of innovative nuclear technologies. Dozens are under development around the world; this primer focuses on those in the United States and Canada. This document was originally release…
US Department of Energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Advanced Reactor Siting Policy Considerations (Technical Report) | OSTI.GOV
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information